Here's why you'll LOVE our Flies and Cultures:
☑ YOU GET 500-700 Flies!
☑ VALUE - Cost per fly is hard to beat.
☑ Our flies are MITE FREE. Others cannot say the same.
☑ Our newborn flies are shipped separately from the culture medium.
This avoids flies drowning during shipment.
☑ Mesh instead of excelsior = Easier feeding and a cleaner culture.
☑ Our culture formula is nutritionally complete and balanced.
At The Fruit Fly Shop, we specialize in the sale of both flightless and wingless fruit flies.
You'll find the tools, equipment and information necessary to successfully grow
& raise these wonderful, versatile creatures.
LET US KNOW if you have any questions or if we can help you in any way.
Customer Satisfaction Is Our Number One Goal!
Living Fruit Fly Cultures
We specialize in Professional Grade INSECT CULTURING KITS: